The Busy Bee Blog
The Significance of Earth Overshoot Day for Sustainable Businesses
In the UK, Overshoot Day fell on the 3rd of June. Whilst this is actually an improvement on last year, it shows we are using more than double the Earth’s resources than is sustainable.
Looking after your mental health as a busy business owner
As a business owner, stress can be a part of everyday life, and this can have a negative impact on our mental health. In 2024, most of us are aware of the importance of looking after our mental and physical health, but often when business gets busy, looking after ourselves can fall by the wayside. But, without a healthy mind,
Unlocking Net Zero: Breaking Down the Jargon for Sustainable Businesses
As part of our commitment to the environment and working towards reducing our business carbon footprint, to become a net zero business, I have been conducting research as well as attending courses (including a Carbon Literacy course), to learn as much as I can about the sustainability space. As with many things, the more I have learnt about the climate
How to get Involved in Earth Day 2024 as a Small Business Owner
What does Earth Day 24 mean for you, as a small business owner? Earth Day is the biggest day of civic observance in the world – a time where we all come together to seriously consider how we can invest in our planet. This year’s Earth Day will be on Monday 22nd April 2024. Earth Day is celebrated to raise
24 Pivotal Practices to Adopt as a Small Business Owner in 2024
“You choose the future with your actions each day.” James Clear. Since becoming a Virtual Assistant almost 3 years ago, I have supported more than 50 small business owners with their digital marketing and administration. During this time, I have learnt both from working with clients and from growing the Planner Bee Hive that there are certain practices that many